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50 Flash Markets


So as we close out the year, I thought I'd take a momentary break from an author Q&A and highlight some of my favorite flash markets--and also maybe help out writers with finding new places to sub or just help organize open/close dates, word count limits, etc. I know some of us writers are trying to reach end-of-the-year submission goals, and others may be kicking off new year's resolution submission goals.

Please keep in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many amazing lit mags out there publishing flash that are unfortunately not on this list. Also, many of these lit mags publish much more than flash, but for my purposes here, that is the focus.

And of course, before submitting anywhere, definitely read all submission guidelines.

(All info is as of December 5th)

100 Word Story - CLOSED (Open date unknown). 100 words max.

Atlas + Alas - CLOSED (Open date unknown). 750 words max (send up to 3).

Atticus Review - OPEN. 4,000 words max, but if <800 can send up to 3.

Barren Magazine - CLOSED (Open date unknown). 1,000 words max.

Bending Genres - OPEN (Until January 14th). 1,000 words max.

Cease, Cows - CLOSED (Opens January 1st). No max word count listed.

Cheap Pop - CLOSED (Opens June 2022). 500 words max.

Cincinnati Review - CLOSED (only temporarily). 500 words max (send up to 3). This is for the miCRo series only.

Citron Review - OPEN (Until December 6th). 100 words max (send up to 5). 1,000 words max (send up to 2).

Cleaver Magazine - OPEN. 700 words max.

Cotton Xenomorph - OPEN. 1,200 words max (send up to 2).

CRAFT. - OPEN. 1,000 words max.

Fictive Dream - OPEN. 500-2,500 words.

Five South Journal - OPEN (Until January 14th). 1,000 words max (send up to 3).

Flash Frog - OPEN. 1,000 words max.

Forge Literary Magazine - CLOSED (Opens January 1st). 5,000 words max, prefers <3,000.

Fractured Lit - OPEN. 400 words max for micros. 1,000 words max for flash.

Ghost Parachute - OPEN. 1,000 words max.

Gone Lawn - OPEN. No limit, but if < 1,000 words, can send multiple.

Hobart - OPEN. 2,000 words max, but if <400 words, can send up to 3.

Invisible City - CLOSED (Opens Spring 2022). 5,000 words max.

Jellyfish Review - OPEN (Until Dec 15th, reopens in Jan). 500 words max (but word count often varies by submission call).

JMWW - OPEN (Until December 15th). 1,500 words max.

Juked - OPEN. "Short-shorts" can send 3-5.

LEON Literary Review - CLOSED (Opens May 1st). 1,500 words max.

Longleaf Review - CLOSED (Open date unknown). 5,000 words max, but if <500 words, can send up to 3.

Los Angeles Review - OPEN. 1,000 words max.

Lost Balloon - CLOSED (Opens January 1st). 1,000 words max.

(mac)ro(mic) - OPEN. 1,000 words max.

Maudlin House - OPEN. 5,000 words max, but if <500 words, can send up to 3.

Milk Candy Review - OPEN. 750 words max.

Molotov Cocktail - OPEN. 1,000 words max.

Monkeybicycle - OPEN. 2,000 words max.

MoonPark Review - OPEN. 750 words max.

New Flash Fiction Review - CLOSED (Open date unknown). 750 words max.

No Contact - OPEN. 1,200 words max (send up to 2).

Okay Donkey - CLOSED (Opens January 1st). 1,500 words max.

Passages North - OPEN (Until April 15th). 1,000 words is a loose max send up to 3 flash or 5 micros.

Pidgeonholes - OPEN (Until December 10th). 1,000 words max.

The Pinch - OPEN. 750 words max. This is for online pubs only.

Pithead Chapel - OPEN. 4,000 words max.

Reckon Review - CLOSED (Opens January 1st). No word count limit.

Smokelong Quarterly - OPEN. 1,000 words max.

Split Lip Magazin - OPEN (Until Dec 15th, reopens in Jan). 1,000 words max.

Tiny Molecules - OPEN (May temporarily close Dec 21st). 1,000 words max (send up to 3).

trampset - OPEN. 3,000 words max, but for flash, can send up to 3.

The West Review - OPEN. 500 words max (send up to 3).

Whale Road Review - OPEN (Until December 31st). 500 words max (send up to 3).

Wifleaf - CLOSED (Opens last week of Jan). 1,000 words max (send up to 2), but if <250 words can send 3-5.

X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine - OPEN. 2,000 words max, but 500-1,200 preferred.

Happy subbing!




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